Supporting you to deliver quality early education

Join over 27,000 early education professionals who benefit from our 1800 support line, training, resource library, consulting and sector expertise. We are a not-for-profit peak body, supporting and advocating for community managed and small providers.

What’s New


15% pay rise FAQs

These FAQs covers many of the key questions members have asked us about how to access the payment, definitions of key terms including what a workplace instrument is, and how CELA can help you to make a workplace instrument. 



Guild extends Workers Compensation insurance offering

Guild Early Learning (GEL) is Workers Compensation specifically developed for childcare, preschool and kindergarten centres in NSW.

To learn more about GEL and how it can help protect your business and staff’s wellbeing, call 1800 810 213 or visit

By Deborah Hoger 13 Feb, 2025

Mother language day: Bringing First Nations languages to life in ECEC settings

International Mother Language Day highlights the importance of linguistic diversity. This year, the 25th anniversary provides a special opportunity to focus on preserving and celebrating First Nations languages, especially in early learning settings.

Early education Indigenous resource specialist and proud Dunghutti woman Deborah Hoger explores the topic. 

By CELA 10 Feb, 2025

Why beach kindy is the new bush kindy

Could the beach be the ultimate classroom?

This article explores the emerging trend of ‘beach kindy,’ highlighting new research on its benefits and practical insights from Clovelly Childcare Centre.

By CELA 3 Feb, 2025

How we can create meaningful connections between home and early education

Children bring a wealth of knowledge and experiences from home into early childhood settings. When educators recognise and build on these strengths, they create deeper connections that foster belonging, confidence, and continuity in learning. 

This article explores how educators can strengthen these connections through a funds of knowledge approach, which is described in the EYLF as a virtual 'back pack' of a child's life experiences and knowledge that they bring to a service. 

Aboriginal flag  Torres Strait Islander flag

Acknowledgement of country
CELA acknowledges all Traditional Custodians across Australia and recognises First Nations Peoples' connection to their lands, skies and waterways. We respect Elders past, present and emerging. Together we work towards a better future for all children, families and communities. 

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Original news and views written by CELA, industry experts and members.

Guild Insurance

CELA’s insurer of choice. Protecting Australian businesses and individuals with tailored insurance products and caring personal service.