The National Long Day Care Multi- Employer Agreement is a new workplace agreement for employers and employees in the long day care sector. It has been negotiated with representatives across the sector including CCC and CELA representing community managed and small providers, and others representing private providers and large providers.
It provides a simple and straight forward way for long day care providers to comply with the requirement to have a workplace instrument to deliver funded ECEC wage increases.
The Professional Childcare Standard (PCS) is an existing multi-employer agreement for community managed long day care services. Originally made in Victoria, any long day care service is eligible to join this agreement.
The PCS has supported community managed services to offer improved pay and conditions since 2008. This Agreement will be renegotiated to ensure it complies with the conditions of funding required for the Worker Retention Grant. This process is already underway, and will likely be concluded prior to the end of 2024.