By Meg Anastasi 27 Feb, 2023 Where to start when you're new to planning and programming Are you new to the early education sector and finding it challenging to get to grips with the planning process? Perhaps you have a new team member who could do with some tips and guidance. In this article, Early Childhood Teacher Meg Anastasi shares helpful tips and insights for getting started with planning in early childhood education. Read More
By Darren Halim 20 Feb, 2023 How Highgate ELC built their knowledge of local Aboriginal culture with artist Reverend Glenn Loughrey When ECT Darren Halim was researching local Aboriginal heritage and cultural sites to share with the children at his kindergarten, his colleague came across some beautiful Aboriginal art on display at a nearby cafe. The artist turned out to be local Wiradjuri man and Anglican church Reverend Glenn Loughrey, who was also involved in the development of The Wominjeka (Reconciliation) Garden, a local cutural site. Darren shares how he built a connection with Glenn and the wonderful cultural learnings that took place over the year that followed. Read More
By Meni Tsambouniaris 20 Feb, 2023 Should we be talking with children about skin colour? Many children are fascinated by the visible differences in other children’s skin colour and may ask sensitive or confronting questions. How can we best respond? Meni Tsambouniaris from Diversity Kids offers advice and tips on approaching this topic. Read More
By CELA 9 Feb, 2023 Spotlight on inclusion: Understanding the legal obligations and opportunities for your service Did you know that there are two types of discrimination to be aware of in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act, and ECEC services are legally required to avoid both types? Sadly, the Child Care Package Evaluation completed by the Australian Institute of Family Studies last year found that discriminatory practices were occurring for children with additional needs. In this Amplify article, CELA early education expert Jannelle Gallagher clarifies services’ legal obligations around disability discrimination and inclusion, and shares best practice examples for inclusion. A timely article considering the increased focus on inclusion in the updated EYLF. Read More
By CELA 3 Feb, 2023 Focus on community connections - Market Day at Milford Lodge What started as a day to teach the children at Milford Lodge about the three Rs has turned into a thriving community event. Since the first Milford Lodge Market Day in 2009, the Sunshine Coast service has raised more than $30,000 for community causes. We explore how the team at Excellent rated Milford Lodge connects with their community through their annual Market Day. Read More