Safe and Responsible Use of Digital Devices

Sample Optional Policies

Safe and Responsible Use of Digital Devices

In today's digitally connected world, the safe and responsible use of digital technologies in early childhood education and care is paramount. This policy outlines the service’s commitment to the safety and well-being of children by ensuring technology is used responsibly, effectively and safety in the early education and care service.  

Smoke Free Environment

Sample Optional Policies

Smoke Free Environment

All workplaces have a regulatory and legislative duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment that is smoke, drug and alcohol-free. Children, educators and families will not be exposed to the harmful effects of second hand smoke while on education and care service premises.

Medication and Health Statement

Sample Optional Policies

Medication and Health Statement

This statement has been developed to provide an overview of the areas of medication and health covered by policies developed and maintained by the education and care service. Maintaining a healthy, safe and inclusive environment for educators, children and families, is paramount for high quality education and care.

Medication Administration

Sample Optional Policies

Medication Administration

In accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulation 92, early childhood services must maintain medication records for each child receiving medication from the Service.

Hygiene and Infection Control

Sample Optional Policies

Hygiene and Infection Control

It is important that educators role-model and maintain positive health practices, and that children are appropriately supervised, assisted and encouraged in their daily health and hygiene routines. Education and care environments must be hygienically maintained to reduce the possible spread of infection and illnesses through the sound hygiene practices of staff and educators. 

Dental Health

Sample Optional Policies

Dental Health

Good oral health is vital for overall health and well-being. Early childhood is the optimal time for children to develop lifelong habits that will contribute to their health as adults. A child’s baby teeth play a crucial role in eating and speech development. They help shape the jaw and face and preserve space for adult teeth to emerge. .

Safe Storage of Dangerous Goods

Sample Optional Policies

Safe Storage of Dangerous Goods

By maximising awareness of the potential hazards of dangerous goods and chemicals, we reduce the risk of harm to educators, students, volunteers, children, and families. Ensuring that dangerous goods and products are safely stored and their use is minimised in all areas of our education and care service is crucial for maintaining a secure, safe and healthy environment.

Family Participation and Communication

Sample Optional Policies

Family Participation and Communication

“Families are the primary influence in their children’s lives and also have strong beliefs and values regarding the education and care of their children, and the experiences in which their children should be able to participate. Effective relationships between educators and families are fundamental to the quality of education and care that children receive.” Adapted from the Guide to the National Quality Framework, ACECQA (2020)

The Indoor and Outdoor Environment

Sample Optional Policies

The Indoor and Outdoor Environment

The physical environment can contribute to children’s wellbeing, happiness, creativity and independence. High quality, natural and inclusive environments contribute to children’s learning and experiences.


Sample Optional Policies


Children must be adequately supervised at all times that they are being educated and cared for both at the service and on excursions. Adequate supervision is the consistent and present engagement with children. 

Workplace Violence and Aggression

Sample Optional Policies

Workplace Violence and Aggression

The health and safety of staff and educators is paramount. Priority is given to protecting employees and our visitors from violence and/or intimidating behaviours. Such conduct interferes with everyone’s ability to perform their job and is not in keeping with the service’s philosophy of trust, mutual respect and collaborative partnerships.

Harassment Free Workplace

Sample Optional Policies

Harassment Free Workplace

Early Education and Care is committed to providing a safe, flexible, and respectful environment for staff, children, and families free from all forms of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

Keeping Pets and Animals

Sample Optional Policies

Keeping Pets and Animals

Most children enjoy caring for a pet. However, this may not always be possible in the home environment. Keeping a pet in your service provides access and opportunity for children and families to explore, interact, and observe animals. Learning to respect and care for a pet is a valuable experience, and with careful planning, policies, and procedures in place, pets can enrich your curriculum.

Nappy Change, Bathing and Toileting

Sample Optional Policies

Nappy Change, Bathing and Toileting

Supporting children’s hygiene through toileting, nappy changes and bathing is important 
for children’s health and development.

Environment Statement

Sample Optional Policies

Environment Statement

This statement has been developed to provide an overview of the areas of the environment covered by this policy. The promotion of healthy, sustainable environments where educators, children and families learn and share ideas about creating an environmentally friendly education and care service are a priority within our service.


Sample Optional Policies


As an education and care community, we can encourage and increase awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future Children can be supported to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment.

Clothing and Footwear for children and educators

Sample Optional Policies

Clothing and Footwear for children and educators

Children and educators need protective, comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear to explore their environments. Clothing and footwear must protect children from injury and sun exposure while promoting self-help abilities. 

Bottle Safety and Preparation

Sample Optional Policies

Bottle Safety and Preparation

Children are more susceptible to food borne illness making it necessary for education and care services to implement adequate health and hygiene practices. Safe practices for handling, storing, preparing and heating breast milk or formula must be employed to minimise risks to children being educated and cared for by the service.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Environment

Sample Optional Policies

Cleaning and Maintaining the Environment

Children have the right to an education in an environment that provides for their health and safety. Good cleaning and maintenance of the environment ensures that illness and unintentional injuries are avoided. 

Top Resources

Sample Job Descriptions

As an Administrative Officer, you are expected to be an active team member of a team which provides high quality early childhood education and care to children. This includes all matters relating to administrative and financial nature of the service. 

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Thinking About

Talking about the quality of your education and care service is one topic that all educators and staff should be effective in communicating; whether this is with families, children, the community, management or an Authorised Officer. We need to be able to identify what quality means in our individual service and how this is reflected in the education and care we provide.

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Thinking About

An essential part of the operation of any education and care setting is the development and implementation of policy for the community of children, families and staff. This document provides a broad overview of, and introduction to, the policy planning process and some initial considerations.

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