Refresher | Refresher Plus | New Provider

Approved Provider and Governance Program

Recorded learning modules, resource library and tools for new and existing NSW Approved Providers 

Streamline your Approved Provider and Governance training with our online learning and personalised consultancy packages. 

Being an Approved Provider comes with significant responsibility, so it’s vital that you understand the National Quality Framework and remain up to date with the law and regulations. Effective governance and leadership underpin the success of individual services and the collective impact on outcomes for children and families.  

CELA's Approved Provider & Governance Program gives new and existing NSW Approved Providers and Education and Care Services a streamlined way to understand their governance and compliance responsibilities and refresh their knowledge.   

Who is the Approved Provider program for?

People at centre-based NSW education and care services who are:​

  • Applying for provider approval​

  • New and existing Approved Providers​

  • Boards and community-based committee members​

  • Directors and PMCs ​

Note: Our program is currently focused on supporting centre-based services in NSW only. This includes preschool, long day care and OOSH services only. Please choose carefully as we do not offer a refund if you change your mind or find yourself unable to take part - read our Terms & Conditions for further information

If you are an approved provider operating in a state or territory outside of NSW, get in touch with us to arrange Approved Provider Training tailored to your jurisdiction. 

I recently returned to the approved provider role after an eight-year break and found navigating the process daunting. Joining CELA again was an easy choice, as I had benefited from the membership and mentoring in the past. The self-paced Approved Provider and Governance course exceeded my expectations with its detailed, NSW-centred content and focus on the interaction of the Law, Regulations, and Standards. Thank you, CELA, for delivering comprehensive, professional training and resources—I highly recommend this course to both new and experienced approved providers.

SW, NSW approved provider

As a centre-based service you will gain:

  • An understanding of the National Quality Framework
  • Valuable insights into how quality is assessed and rated under the NQF
  • Clarity around the responsibilities of the Approved Provider under the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations 
  • An understanding of how Approved Providers can comply with the National Law and Regulations through the development of sound governance and reporting procedures

What does it cost?

We have three different package costs, providing different levels of access and support depending on your needs.


For existing Approved Providers or Directors to refresh their knowledge online
  • Complete access to our Approved Provider and Governance online learning program for 12 months for one person

Members:            Was $390 Now $199
Non-members:     Was $468 Now $235


Refresher Plus

For Approved Providers or Directors to extend their committee’s knowledge and gain tailored help from a CELA expert
  • Complete access to our Approved Provider and Governance online learning program for 6 months for up to 6 people 

  • 1 x 3 hours of individualised Approved Provider training and support with one of our Approved Provider experts. Up to 6 people enrolled into the online learning program can participate in this training as a group.

Members:             $980 per service
Non-members:     $1,176 per service


New Provider

For anyone who is applying to be an Approved Provider and needs extensive support via the portal, consultancy and through a CELA membership
  • Complete access to our Approved Provider and Governance online learning program for 12 months for up to 6 people 

  • 2 x 2 hours of individualised Approved Provider training and support with one of our Approved Provider experts. Up to 6 people enrolled into the online learning program can participate in this training as a group. 

  • A copy of CELA’s comprehensive Starting from Scratch toolkit   

  • Applicable for non-members only: CELA membership for one year for one service. Contact us for membership pricing of multiple services.

Members:             $1,130 per service
Non-members:     $1,325 per service


Jo Grimmond introduces CELA's Approved Provider & Governance Program

Top 3 reasons to enrol

1. Build knowledge and confidence with the most comprehensive Approved Provider program available

Gain access to four workshops with 25 tutorials, a range of activities and quizzes, PLUS our comprehensive knowledge library. Each tutorial is aligned with a range of resources to support you in understanding the National Quality Framework, effective governance, and your role as the Approved Provider. Our knowledge library contains over 100 resources and weblinks which have been categorised based on the topics covered in the course, making it easy for you to find the information you need when you need it.


2. Save time and avoid frustration with our clear and concise self-paced learning program

Know where to start with our unique Knowledge Matrix—it can be used as a training needs analysis to identify the relevant workshops and tutorials that best support the building of knowledge and competency in the role of the Approved Provider. 

3. Benefit from CELA’s expertise, built over 44 years as a peak body for ECEC

We have delivered Approved Provider and governance training to thousands of people and are trusted by government to deliver sector training on this topic. We’ve condensed years of expertise into this streamlined knowledge program. 

Need more information?


Explore the portal

A CELA representative will enrol the participant in the online learning portal after purchase. Once enroled, the participant will receive an email inviting them to log in and change their password (note: the enrolment process will require 24 hours of processing time on weekdays. If the purchase is made on a Friday or over the weekend, the enrolment will be completed on a Monday).

Once you have logged into the portal, you can start your self-paced, online learning. Explore all workshops relevant to your specific needs as an Approved Provider. You can pause your session at any time, log out, and come back to your learning at a time that suits you.

If you have booked into the Refresher Plus or New Provider package you can contact us at to book in your one-on-one training with one of our approved provider experts any time during your period of access to the online program. 

Build your knowledge library

Discover additional program resources and tools in the knowledge library to support skill gaps and build your own Approved Provider knowledge and competence. 

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