Vision and philosophy
Over 7,000 early educators, across all qualification levels, participated in learning and development with CELA in 2021. CELA has a strong vision and philosophy for professional learning, built over our 40 year history as the peak body for Australia’s early and middle childhood education sector.
We believe that all Australian children, regardless of location or socio-economic status, deserve quality early education and care. The Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education project (EPPSE) found consistent correlation between the proportion of highly trained educators in a service, the overall quality of the service, and children’s long-term outcomes (Taggart et al. 2015, p. 8).
Qualified educators can create a program of learning that stimulates children and lifts children’s outcomes throughout the early years and beyond. They are able to support children to develop their language skills, to work with families who have complex needs, and to build relationships with staff across their centres.
A stable, well supported and professional workforce is a vital element in achieving quality early education for Australian children. Supporting leadership capability and ongoing professional development is essential, so that educators have the skills they need to improve developmental outcomes for all children.
CELA supports educator’s professional growth through targeted learning and development which enables them to develop the skills they require to meet the needs of their community. CELA is a NESA endorsed provider at the proficient teacher level.
We do this with a focus on four key areas: