Relationships with Children

Face to Face Masterclass: A Framework for Understanding and Responding to Children's Behaviour

Develop your knowledge with a leading expert and receive ongoing support

We recognise the significant rise in the number of children exhibiting behaviours that educators and teachers find challenging. Building the skills to manage these big behaviours not only enhances outcomes for children but also supports the well-being of teachers and educators.

To be effective and ensure each child can reach their potential, early childhood professionals need to clearly understand what drives children’s behaviour. Created and led by child development expert Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett, this training equips early childhood educators with evidence-based strategies to address challenging behaviours in children.

This 2-day in-person workshop (in the Sydney CBD) provides practical tools and ongoing support to empower your entire team with an evidence-informed framework to reduce the incidence of challenging behaviours.

Note: Can't make the in-person workshop? Attend the online sessions

The program unpacks a practice framework called The 6 Rs to Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behaviour (6Rs). This framework is designed to help teachers and educators comprehend the complexities of children’s behaviour and intentionally develop children's capacity to navigate their environment. Each component of the framework is informed by a rich evidence base on children’s behaviour, effective early childhood pedagogy, and the Practices and Principles embedded in the EYLF V2.

Participants will complete the program equipped with a comprehensive toolbox of strategies and tips. These tools are designed to help you understand and respond to children’s intentions and behaviours 'in the moment,' as well as to foster their self-regulatory capacity across various learning contexts.

Hear what Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett says about the training


Face to face workshop overview

(Can't make it in person? Book into our live webinar series)


Understanding Children's Behaviour

  • Adopting a new lens: Explore the "what" and "why" behind children's behaviour, with a focus on understanding the role of the brain, children's developmental capacities, and common influences such as trauma and challenging environments.

  • Introduction to the 6Rs Framework: Discover this evidence-based approach designed to help educators understand the complexity of children's behaviour and intentionally build their capacity to navigate their environment.

  • Self-regulation: Explore the impact of self-regulation on children's behaviour and how to support it effectively.

  • Understanding Behavioural Roots: Examine the origins and common pathways that lead to challenging behaviours.
  • Self-Regulatory Ship: Discover a tool that will help you to understand how children's brains influence their behaviour.

How we can respond to children's behaviour (practice lens)​

  • Relational pedagogy: Explore what relational pedagogy is, how you can help children to understand emotions and the role of play based pedagogy in responding to and supporting children’s behaviour.

  • Building relationships and adopting new approaches

    • How to build strong relationships with children.

    • Introduction to tools that can be used to audit environments to identify strengths and areas for growth.

    • Consideration of various activities and pedagogical approaches across different curriculum areas.

    • Discussion on the language used with children and its impact.


About your trainer

Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett is the Academic Director of the Early Years, University of Wollongong, is a member of the National Early Childhood Development Council and sits on both government and non-government advisory committees and boards in Australia and internationally.

She has demonstrated leadership and scholarship in translational research with a strong track record in developing and delivering professional learning initiatives across the early childhood education sector. She has co-led numerous large-scale research projects, has authored and co-authored academic papers and been recognised for her expertise in children’s behaviour, self-regulation, early childhood pedagogy and workforce development. 

National Quality Standard Areas

Area 1 – Educational Program Practice

Area 5 – Relationships with children

Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

Available Dates

  • Thur 27 & Fri 28 Feb 25Book now

    Date: Thursday, 27 February 2025
    Time: 9am - 4pm
    Delivery Method: Face to Face

Relationships with Children

Online Masterclasses: A Framework for Understanding and Responding to Children's Behaviour


How confident are you in understanding and responding to behaviours that challenge?


To be effective and ensure each child can reach their potential, early childhood professionals need to clearly understand what drives children’s behaviour. Created and led by child development expert Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett, this training equips early childhood educators with evidence-based strategies to address behaviours that challenge.


This 5-part webinar series provides practical tools and ongoing support to empower your entire team with an evidence-informed framework to reduce the incidence of challenging behaviours.

Note: A recording of each session will be made available within 5 working days after the completion of that session. All recordings will remain available to watch for 2 weeks after the last live workshop.

Prefer to attend in person? Explore the face to face option

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 5, 6

BehaviourNEW topicsPedagogy and practice

Available Dates

Tue, 25 Feb + 5, 11, 18 & 25 Mar 25 🕒 10am - 12pm

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