Approved Provider – new to ECEC (one on one session)
2 x 2 hour webinar sessions
Are you new to the early education and care (ECEC) sector? This 2 part webinar series (x 2 hours each webinar) will support individual approved providers in understanding and meeting their operational requirements under the National Quality Framework (NQF).
Designed to work with you ‘one on one’, our expert facilitators will guide you through practice based scenarios and build your knowledge of the National Law and Regulations. No matter what your learning needs are, this individualised session will support your knowledge and ability to provide strong governance.
You will leave with a better understanding of how to apply the National Law and Regulations in relation to education and service governance.
Participants will receive a copy of CELA’s ‘Starting from Scratch’ resource as well as other relevant resources, links and support.
*Sessions are only available by appointment, please contact us using the form below.
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