Download all sample required policies in word

Sample Required Policies

Download all sample required policies in word

You asked and we listened!  All 27 of CELA's sample required policies have now been converted to Word document format to make it easier for you to adjust them to your requirements. They’re zipped and ready for you to download.

Law and Regulations comparison chart

Practice Tools

Law and Regulations comparison chart

The Law and Regulations comparison chart is a visual tool identifying the relationship between the Children's Services National Law (Part 6: Operating an Education and Care Service) and Children's Services National Regulations (Chapter 4 Part 4.1-Part 4.7). This is a general guide; states and territories need to refer to their specific provisions within Chapter 4 of the National Regulations.

Child Protection ebook


Child Protection ebook

This ebook provides early education and care professionals with a wide range of articles, tips and tools to build their knowledge around child protection. Total pages: 27

Safe Arrival of Children

Sample Required Policies

Safe Arrival of Children

CELA’s sample Safe Arrival of Children Policy supports services to be compliant with the National Law Education and Care Services, National Regulations and Legislative requirements around the safe arrival of children who travel between the education and care service and an education or early childhood service.

Issue 147 - Dec 24


Issue 147 - Dec 24

As 2024 draws to a close, we're thrilled to let you know that our Rattler and Amplify! annual compendium is here. This year's compendium brings together some of the best Rattler and Amplify! stories from this year in one big bundle. 

Issue 146 - Sep 24


Issue 146 - Sep 24

Welcome to the September edition of Rattler. Inside you'll find insightful articles covering a wide range of topics to spark reflection and discussion in your service.

Issue 145 - Apr 24


Issue 145 - Apr 24

Welcome to the April edition of Rattler. Inside you'll find insightful articles covering a wide range of topics to spark reflection and discussion in your service. 

Child Protection

Sample Required Policies

Child Protection

Our service is committed to providing an environment that fosters health, development, spirituality, self-respect and dignity, that is free from violence and exploitation. Under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998, children and young people must receive the care and protection necessary to ensure their safety, welfare and wellbeing.

Transportation of Children

Sample Required Policies

Transportation of Children

Our education and care service is committed to providing transportation that is carefully planned to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of children at all times.

Team Meeting Minutes template

Resource Templates

Team Meeting Minutes template

The meeting minutes should be circulated to all team members after the meeting. This gives team members an opportunity to recap or catch up on the minutes and actions as well as be able to clarify any follow up questions.

Team Meeting Agenda template

Resource Templates

Team Meeting Agenda template

The agenda should be prepared in advance of the meeting and circulated to all team members so that they know what will be discussed and have time to prepare.

Delivery & Collection of Children

Sample Required Policies

Delivery & Collection of Children

Children are considered to be under the care of an education and care service at the point the service is taken to assume responsibility for their care and wellbeing. At this point the National Law and National Regulations apply. 

Sleep and rest for children

Sample Required Policies

Sleep and rest for children

All children have individual sleep and rest requirements. Children need a comfortable relaxing environment to enable their bodies to rest. This environment must be safe and well supervised to ensure children are safe, healthy and secure in their environment.

2025 printable calendars

Signs and posters

2025 printable calendars

Download and print this handy A3 sized calendar featuring school holidays and links to important CELA website pages. A separate calendar is available for each state and territory.

Safe and Responsible Use of Digital Devices

Sample Optional Policies

Safe and Responsible Use of Digital Devices

In today's digitally connected world, the safe and responsible use of digital technologies in early childhood education and care is paramount. This policy outlines the service’s commitment to the safety and well-being of children by ensuring technology is used responsibly, effectively and safety in the early education and care service.  

Preschool-based Fee Policy

Sample Required Policies

Preschool-based Fee Policy

The Education and Care Services National Regulations require approved providers to ensure their services have policies and procedures in place for the payment of fees and the provision of a statement of fees charged by the service. 

Approaching difficult conversations with colleagues and managers

Simple Guides

Approaching difficult conversations with colleagues and managers

In this Simple Guide, we will explore how to prepare for a difficult conversation, key communication skills to employ, how to structure the conversation, and case study examples to show how these skills can be used in familiar scenarios.

Educational Leader

Sample Job Descriptions

Educational Leader

This Educational Leader position description is to be used in conjunction with the sample Educator (Diploma) or Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) position description. The Educational Leader position description outlines the additional responsibilities specific to the staff member appointed to this role.

Inclusion ebook


Inclusion ebook

This resource includes a wide range of articles, tips and tools to support early educators with implementing inclusive practice. 

Self-reflection on cultural inclusion for First Nations children

Practice Tools

Self-reflection on cultural inclusion for First Nations children

This is a simple resource to kickstart your own individual cultural learning journey and a friendly reminder that things are not as easy for a lot of First Nations Peoples across our continent. 

Respectfully connect with your local First Nations community

Practice Tools

Respectfully connect with your local First Nations community

CELA Cultural Advisor Lisa Walker shares why it's important to consciously consider how you engage with First Nations Peoples, including steps to take and things to consider on your journey. 

Cultural Safety and Equity: Practice prompts

Practice Tools

Cultural Safety and Equity: Practice prompts

This resource provides educators and educators practice prompts to identify cultural responsive practices in the service context and reflect on how the service setting creates an inclusive and equitable learning environment.

Creating safe spaces for children

Practice Tools

Creating safe spaces for children

Every child has a right to be protected and feel safe in their early learning environments. Through reflecting on your environments, educators can thoughtfully create spaces that offer children ample opportunities to fulfil a sense of safety and security. This resource provides educators with prompts to reflect on different aspects of the environment that promote a sense of safety for children.

Child Safe Principles Task Cards

Practice Tools

Child Safe Principles Task Cards

These task cards encourage educators, teams and service leaders to reflect on how the Child Safe Principles are evidenced throughout service practice.

NSW ECEC Child Protection Reporting Tool

Practice Tools

NSW ECEC Child Protection Reporting Tool

This tool has been designed to help NSW early childhood education and care professionals better understand their reporting requirements. 

Critical reflection worksheets

Practice Tools

Critical reflection worksheets

This tool can help guide discussion, promote deeper thinking, and ensure the documentation of the critical reflection. You may choose to focus on only one theory, trying to ‘master’ it as a service, or you may use each of them for different reflections, aiming to find the one best suited to your service. 

Visual communication tool task cards

Practice Tools

Visual communication tool task cards

Embedding the learning environment with visual communication is an essential practice to support the full participation and meaningful engagement of each child.

Essential Insights webinar: Cultivating Cultural Safety and Equity


Essential Insights webinar: Cultivating Cultural Safety and Equity

This 30 minute webinar explores strategies to reflect on how your service makes families, children and educators alike feel safe to express their cultural background, beliefs, and values.  

Essential Insights webinar: Creating a Child Safe Service


Essential Insights webinar: Creating a Child Safe Service

This 'Essential Insights' webinar will provide strategies to reflect on and improve current practices to creating child safe environments in accordance with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Essential Insights webinar: Inclusion Using Visual Cues


Essential Insights webinar: Inclusion Using Visual Cues

This video explores how to effectively incorporate visual cues into your routines, discuss various types of cues you can use, and share practical tips to make them work for you.

Essential Insights webinar: Positive strategies for guiding children's behaviour


Essential Insights webinar: Positive strategies for guiding children's behaviour

This webinar will provide an insight into children’s behaviours and how educators can support children through co-regulation and guidance strategies.

Handover booklet: For directors

Practice Tools

Handover booklet: For directors

This handover booklet is to support you in writing down all your knowledge so that you have the peace of mind and ability to delegate tasks. This document will also aid the service in ensuring a more seamless transition during a handover process. 

Child Protection Report Forms

Practice Tools

Child Protection Report Forms

This Child Protection Report form supports educators and service leaders in recording observations and reporting suspicions and/or allegations of child abuse and neglect.

Committee Induction Checklist

Resource Templates

Committee Induction Checklist

This Management Committee Induction Checklist can be used to check that new (and existing) committee members are aware of key service documents, information pertaining to the committee role, and important channels for communication and support.

Determining the Responsible Person

Sample Required Policies

Determining the Responsible Person

The National Law requires that a responsible person must be present at all times a centre-based service is educating and caring for children.

Enrolment and Orientation

Sample Required Policies

Enrolment and Orientation

Enrolment and orientation procedures form the foundation for strong relationships between families and early education and care settings and promote a shared vision for quality experiences of education and care for children.

Participation of Volunteers & Students

Sample Required Policies

Participation of Volunteers & Students

Our service is committed to providing a safe environment for all children where their health, safety wellbeing is of paramount importance. In order to remain compliant with regulations and legislation and ensure this is preserved during the engagement of students from universities, TAFE, RTO’s and schools and volunteers, the service will abide by the strategies and practices outlined in this policy.

Sun Protection

Sample Required Policies

Sun Protection

We are committed to providing an environment that ensures all children and staff are protected from ultraviolet (UV) radiation during all outdoor activities.

Water Safety

Sample Required Policies

Water Safety

Our service has a responsibility to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of each child at all times. Drowning is a leading cause of death for children aged 0-4 in Australia. While most drowning occurs in backyard swimming pools, it is important to be aware that children can drown in less than 6cm of water.


Sample Required Policies


CELA’s draft Excursion Policy supports services to be compliant with the National Law Education and Care Services, National Regulations and Legislative requirements around excursions. 

Medical Conditions

Sample Required Policies

Medical Conditions

Clear procedures are required to support the health, wellbeing and inclusion of all children enrolled at the service. Our service practices support the enrolment of children and families with specific health care requirements. Medical conditions include, but are not limited to asthma, diabetes or a diagnosis that a child is at risk of anaphylaxis. In many cases, if not managed appropriately, these can be life threatening.

Providing a Child Safe Environment

Sample Required Policies

Providing a Child Safe Environment

The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, endorsed by all Australian governments, operationalise laws and regulations pertaining to Child Safe Standards. These principles offer guidance on key actions and performance measures essential for the implementation of these standards in early education and care settings.

Emergency Management

Sample Required Policies

Emergency Management

Emergency situations can arise in and around early childhood settings, and emergencies are just as prevalent in education and care environments as in other environments.

Dealing with Infectious Diseases

Sample Required Policies

Dealing with Infectious Diseases

The way that children interact with each other and with adults in education and care services means that diseases can quickly spread in a variety of ways. Whilst it is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and diseases, minimising the risk can be enhanced by implementing appropriate measures. 

Complaints Handling

Sample Required Policies

Complaints Handling

Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, an approved provider must ensure that policies and procedures are in place for dealing with complaints (regulation 168) and take reasonable steps to ensure those policies and procedures are followed (regulation 170).

CELA's draft Complaints Policy can support services to cover each requirement.

Administration of First Aid

Sample Required Policies

Administration of First Aid

Our early education and care service provides an environment that promotes the health, safety and wellbeing of all children. Policies and procedures for the administration of first aid ensures prompt and appropriate first aid treatment and care in the event of illness, injury or medical emergency.

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

Sample Required Policies

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

The Education and Care Services National Regulations require approved providers to ensure their services have policies and procedures in place in relation to the acceptance and refusal of authorisations. These procedures ensure that required authorisations are obtained and kept in the enrolment record an help to ensure that the health, safety, wellbeing and best interests of all children are met. 

Interactions with Children

Sample Required Policies

Interactions with Children

This sample policy outlines goals and strategies for interactions with children including children's rights, listening, reflection, role modelling and behavioural management, and the roles and responsibilities of different members of staff.

Privacy Collection Statement

Sample Required Policies

Privacy Collection Statement

This statement outlines the type of personal information collected by this service and how information is acquired, used and shared. We will not sell personal information to any third parties. See our full Privacy and Confidentiality policy for detailed information.

Professional Standards and Ethical Conduct

Sample Required Policies

Professional Standards and Ethical Conduct

Our education and care service is committed to a code of professional conduct, upholding ethical principles and professional standards that guide decision-making and practice at the service. 

Privacy and Confidentiality

Sample Required Policies

Privacy and Confidentiality

Our education and care service recognises and respects the importance of privacy and confidentiality as an individual right and a basis for building partnerships. 

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

Sample Required Policies

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

The National Regulations require an accurate Incident, injury, trauma and illness record to be kept and stored confidentially until the child is 25 years old. Under the national legislation, an education and care service must record details in the Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Report.

Nutrition, Food, Beverages and Dietary Requirements

Sample Required Policies

Nutrition, Food, Beverages and Dietary Requirements

From December 2024, under the Australian Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2A child care services are now a Class 1 and Category One food premises. Child Care services are identified as a category one business who handle unpackaged, potentially hazardous food that is ready to eat. These businesses must implement all three food safety management tools (food safety supervisor, food handler training and evidence), to strengthen their management of hazards known to contribute to foodborne illness.

Governance and Management

Sample Required Policies

Governance and Management

Governance is the system or process by which organisations are directed, controlled and held accountable to ensure that the right decisions are made. Our education and care service recognises the importance of having a framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within, and by which authority is exercised and controlled in the organisation. We view good governance and management as essential to our provision of quality education and care.

Fees - Child Care Subsidy Services

Sample Required Policies

Fees - Child Care Subsidy Services

Our service has a commitment to ensuring our fees are as affordable as possible and that all families have access to any subsidies that are available to reduce these fees. The setting and payment of fees takes into account all requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations, Australian Tax Office, Privacy Act and the guidelines contained within the Child Care Provider Handbook. All records held at the service will be maintained in accordance with the service Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.

Nominated Supervisor

Sample Job Descriptions

Nominated Supervisor

The Nominated Supervisor is responsible for managing all day to day aspects of the service’s operations and provide leadership ensuring high quality education and care provision.

Communicating Roles and Responsibilities: Risk management tool

Practice Tools

Communicating Roles and Responsibilities: Risk management tool

It is vital that everyone understands their responsibilities in ensuring compliance and managing risk. This communication tool can be used to identify who is responsible for each operational requirement at your service. 

Behaviour and co-regulation eBook


Behaviour and co-regulation eBook

This resource aims to provide early educators with a wide range of articles, tips and tools to help them support children's behaviour and co-regulation. 

The pdf includes a range of articles, tools, tips sheets and infograhpics in one handy eBook. 

Creating an Inspiring Art Space


Creating an Inspiring Art Space

This webinar aims to help learners reflect and explore the benefits of providing art spaces that are autonomous, creative and inspiring.

The Educational Leader

Thinking About

The Educational Leader

This document provides questions, ideas and strategies to think through with regard to the Educational Leader.

Creating a Professional Development Plan

Simple Guides

Creating a Professional Development Plan

This simple guide provides a step by step approach to preparing an effective professional development plan for your team or yourself.


Simple Guides


All centre-based and family day care services must be compliant to a number of laws and regulations that govern their operations. This resource aims to simplify what services need to know about compliance.

Assessment and Ratings

Simple Guides

Assessment and Ratings

This simple guide is designed to increase understanding of the Assessment and Rating process under the National Quality Framework for long day care services, family day care services, outside school hours care services and preschools.

Smoke Free Environment

Sample Optional Policies

Smoke Free Environment

All workplaces have a regulatory and legislative duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment that is smoke, drug and alcohol-free. Children, educators and families will not be exposed to the harmful effects of second hand smoke while on education and care service premises.

Medication and Health Statement

Sample Optional Policies

Medication and Health Statement

This statement has been developed to provide an overview of the areas of medication and health covered by policies developed and maintained by the education and care service. Maintaining a healthy, safe and inclusive environment for educators, children and families, is paramount for high quality education and care.

Medication Administration

Sample Optional Policies

Medication Administration

In accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulation 92, early childhood services must maintain medication records for each child receiving medication from the Service.

Hygiene and Infection Control

Sample Optional Policies

Hygiene and Infection Control

It is important that educators role-model and maintain positive health practices, and that children are appropriately supervised, assisted and encouraged in their daily health and hygiene routines. Education and care environments must be hygienically maintained to reduce the possible spread of infection and illnesses through the sound hygiene practices of staff and educators. 

Dental Health

Sample Optional Policies

Dental Health

Good oral health is vital for overall health and well-being. Early childhood is the optimal time for children to develop lifelong habits that will contribute to their health as adults. A child’s baby teeth play a crucial role in eating and speech development. They help shape the jaw and face and preserve space for adult teeth to emerge. .

Safe Storage of Dangerous Goods

Sample Optional Policies

Safe Storage of Dangerous Goods

By maximising awareness of the potential hazards of dangerous goods and chemicals, we reduce the risk of harm to educators, students, volunteers, children, and families. Ensuring that dangerous goods and products are safely stored and their use is minimised in all areas of our education and care service is crucial for maintaining a secure, safe and healthy environment.

Issue 144 - Dec 23


Issue 144 - Dec 23

As 2023 draws to a close, we're thrilled to let you know that our Rattler and Amplify! annual compendium is here. This year's compendium brings together some of the best Rattler and Amplify! stories from this year in one big, glossy bundle.

Educational Leader's bundle

Team Resource Kit

Educational Leader's bundle

As an educational leader, you’re responsible for ensuring that educators at your service are learning, growing and reflecting on their practices. This bundle will support you in promoting further in-depth learning with your team around the topics of behaviour, the planning cycle, early childhood development theory, and how to better engage with your Quality Improvement Plan.

Use these resources in staff meetings, in your own practice or as a tool when mentoring with educators.

Education & Care Abbreviations

Simple Guides

Education & Care Abbreviations

In the education and care sector there are many abbreviations which can be challenging to decipher. The following guide is designed to help you make sense of them.

Member news - Weekly alert

Member News

Member news - Weekly alert

20 May 2024
In latest edition: Advocacy win: Federal Government commits to funding a wage rise for the ECEC workforce • CELA in the news • National Simultaneous Story Time - 22 May 12 noon • Surveys, grants and awards opportunities • News for NSW CELA members and more!

Management Committee Health Check

Resource Templates

Management Committee Health Check

The Management Committee Health Check is a tool that comprises of a series of questions that focus on the core areas of Management Committee roles and responsibilities. It is designed to bring to light Committee strengths and areas that need improvement.

Educator (Certificate III)

Sample Job Descriptions

Educator (Certificate III)

Service Educators are responsible for providing education and care for children enrolled at the service, consistent with our philosophy and curriculum, and according to the requirements of the National Quality Framework.
Educators work in collaboration with other educators, room leaders, the Educational Leader, the Nominated Supervisor and Approved Provider. 

Administration Officer

Sample Job Descriptions

Administration Officer

As an Administrative Officer, you are expected to be an active team member of a team which provides high quality early childhood education and care to children. This includes all matters relating to administrative and financial nature of the service. 

Early Childhood Teacher (ECT)

Sample Job Descriptions

Early Childhood Teacher (ECT)

The Early Childhood Teacher provides active leadership to Educators and Room Leaders in the development, implementation and evaluation of a child-focused education and care curriculum ensuring the curriculum is consistent with the service philosophy and according to the requirements of the National Quality Framework. 
The Early Childhood Teacher contributes to the management of and supports the professional learning of staff.

Issue 143 - Sep 23


Issue 143 - Sep 23

Welcome to the September edition of Rattler. It’s been an incredibly busy but fruitful time for our CEO Michele Carnegie, who has represented CELA members at a multitude of significant meetings and round tables across Australia. Find out who's she's met with and what's been on the agenda in Michele's CEO intro.

Time Management

Team Resource Kit

Time Management

Practical time management skills are critical for early childhood educators, as few of us have enough time to complete the tasks we set ourselves in any one day. Time management is defined as using your time productively and efficiently, which most of us feel we already do. 

Speaking About Practices

Team Resource Kit

Speaking About Practices

Being able to speak out about your service’s practices is an integral part of operating an early childhood education and care service.

Running a Staff Meeting

Team Resource Kit

Running a Staff Meeting

Management, educators and staff work with mutual respect and collaboratively, and challenge and learn from each other, recognising each other’s strengths and skills.

Reflection for Staff Meetings

Team Resource Kit

Reflection for Staff Meetings

This resource provides some ideas and topics for reflection during staff meeting times. These suggestions encourage the use of staff meetings for professional conversations and reflection on practices. 

Marketing Your Early Education and Care Service

Team Resource Kit

Marketing Your Early Education and Care Service

An effective marketing plan assists you to successfully manage your resources and time, and will enable you to budget realistically for marketing activities.

Goal Setting

Team Resource Kit

Goal Setting

As early childhood education professionals, it is imperative that we consistently evaluate our practices to ascertain our strengths and areas in need of development. Upon identifying areas for improvement, it is crucial to create a well-structured plan to accomplish these objectives. This is where goal-setting plays a pivotal role.

Establishing Supportive Relationships with Families

Team Resource Kit

Establishing Supportive Relationships with Families

Establishing positive relationships is the basis for effective collaboration with families. Building and maintaining these important relationships involves many different forms of communication in addition to routine, everyday contact. 

Engaging with Your QIP

Team Resource Kit

Engaging with Your QIP

The National Regulations require approved Early Childhood Education and Care Services to have a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).

Connecting with Families

Team Resource Kit

Connecting with Families

How do we connect with families to ensure our service, educational program and caregiving meets their needs and provides the best start in life for their child?

Opportunities to support you to manage workforce shortages now

Team Resource Kit

Opportunities to support you to manage workforce shortages now

CELA has collated some of the programs, scholarship and training opportunities across the country designed to support attraction and retention of teachers and educators. 

Management committee meetings

Thinking About

Management committee meetings

Four things management committees need to do before a meeting.

Management Committee Meeting Agenda Template

Resource Templates

Management Committee Meeting Agenda Template

The agenda should be prepared in advance of the meeting and circulated to all members so that they know what will be discussed and have time to prepare. 

Join our volunteer management committee - email / letter template

Resource Templates

Join our volunteer management committee - email / letter template

Promote the benefits of joining your service's volunteer committee with this email template. 

Being on the Committee

Simple Guides

Being on the Committee

This is a simple guide to being on the management committee for NSW long day care services and preschools.

Early education leadership ebook


Early education leadership ebook

This ebook provides early education and care leaders with a wide range of articles, tips and tools to build leadership skills. 

Educator (Diploma)

Sample Job Descriptions

Educator (Diploma)

Service educators are responsible for providing education and care for children enrolled at the service, consistent with our philosophy and curriculum, and according to the requirements of the National Quality Framework. 
Educators work in collaboration with other educators, room leaders and the Nominated Supervisor.

Early childhood education theorists

Simple Guides

Early childhood education theorists

This simple guide introduces you to the best-known early childhood education theorists and how you can further explore new ideas and contemporary theory.

Join our volunteer management committee - Poster

Resource Templates

Join our volunteer management committee - Poster

Promote the benefits of joining your service's volunteer committee with this poster. 

Implementing the Planning Cycle

Simple Guides

Implementing the Planning Cycle

This simple guide can support educators to understand and implement the planning cycle. 

Employer risk management questionnaire

Resource Templates

Employer risk management questionnaire

This risk management questionnaire was developed by CELA partner Guild Insurance as part of a suite of resources designed to support services with workplace health and safety.

The survey is designed to help services identify and mitigate risks to employees.

Avoid workplace injuries when moving outdoor play equipment

Signs and posters

Avoid workplace injuries when moving outdoor play equipment

This poster, created by CELA partner Guild Insurance, is part of a series designed to demonstrate ways for early education and care professionals to avoid workplace injuries.

Avoid workplace injuries when moving furniture

Signs and posters

Avoid workplace injuries when moving furniture

This poster, created by CELA partner Guild Insurance, is part of a series designed to demonstrate ways for early education and care professionals to avoid workplace injuries.

Avoid workplace injuries when moving around outside

Signs and posters

Avoid workplace injuries when moving around outside

This poster, created by CELA partner Guild Insurance, is part of a series designed to demonstrate ways for early education and care professionals to avoid workplace injuries.

Avoid workplace injuries when lifting heavy items

Signs and posters

Avoid workplace injuries when lifting heavy items

This poster, created by CELA partner Guild Insurance, is part of a series designed to demonstrate ways for early education and care professionals to avoid workplace injuries.

Avoid workplace injuries when changing a child's nappy

Signs and posters

Avoid workplace injuries when changing a child's nappy

This poster, created by CELA partner Guild Insurance, is part of a series designed to demonstrate ways for early education and care professionals to avoid workplace injuries.

CELA 2023 Advocacy Report


CELA 2023 Advocacy Report

CELA’s advocacy places community and small providers of early education at the forefront. 2023 was a significant year for early childhood advocacy as both federal and state governments pressed forward on ambitious reform agendas. 

CELA 2023 Annual Report


CELA 2023 Annual Report

This report highlights CELA’s activities for the 2023 calendar year. We are proud to represent a nationwide collective of educators and professionals committed to quality education and care. In 2023, CELA supported over 1800 members employing more than 27,000 educators.

Family Participation and Communication

Sample Optional Policies

Family Participation and Communication

“Families are the primary influence in their children’s lives and also have strong beliefs and values regarding the education and care of their children, and the experiences in which their children should be able to participate. Effective relationships between educators and families are fundamental to the quality of education and care that children receive.” Adapted from the Guide to the National Quality Framework, ACECQA (2020)

The Indoor and Outdoor Environment

Sample Optional Policies

The Indoor and Outdoor Environment

The physical environment can contribute to children’s wellbeing, happiness, creativity and independence. High quality, natural and inclusive environments contribute to children’s learning and experiences.


Sample Optional Policies


Children must be adequately supervised at all times that they are being educated and cared for both at the service and on excursions. Adequate supervision is the consistent and present engagement with children. 

Workplace Violence and Aggression

Sample Optional Policies

Workplace Violence and Aggression

The health and safety of staff and educators is paramount. Priority is given to protecting employees and our visitors from violence and/or intimidating behaviours. Such conduct interferes with everyone’s ability to perform their job and is not in keeping with the service’s philosophy of trust, mutual respect and collaborative partnerships.

Harassment Free Workplace

Sample Optional Policies

Harassment Free Workplace

Early Education and Care is committed to providing a safe, flexible, and respectful environment for staff, children, and families free from all forms of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

Keeping Pets and Animals

Sample Optional Policies

Keeping Pets and Animals

Most children enjoy caring for a pet. However, this may not always be possible in the home environment. Keeping a pet in your service provides access and opportunity for children and families to explore, interact, and observe animals. Learning to respect and care for a pet is a valuable experience, and with careful planning, policies, and procedures in place, pets can enrich your curriculum.

Nappy Change, Bathing and Toileting

Sample Optional Policies

Nappy Change, Bathing and Toileting

Supporting children’s hygiene through toileting, nappy changes and bathing is important 
for children’s health and development.

Environment Statement

Sample Optional Policies

Environment Statement

This statement has been developed to provide an overview of the areas of the environment covered by this policy. The promotion of healthy, sustainable environments where educators, children and families learn and share ideas about creating an environmentally friendly education and care service are a priority within our service.


Sample Optional Policies


As an education and care community, we can encourage and increase awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future Children can be supported to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment.

Clothing and Footwear for children and educators

Sample Optional Policies

Clothing and Footwear for children and educators

Children and educators need protective, comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear to explore their environments. Clothing and footwear must protect children from injury and sun exposure while promoting self-help abilities. 

Bottle Safety and Preparation

Sample Optional Policies

Bottle Safety and Preparation

Children are more susceptible to food borne illness making it necessary for education and care services to implement adequate health and hygiene practices. Safe practices for handling, storing, preparing and heating breast milk or formula must be employed to minimise risks to children being educated and cared for by the service.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Environment

Sample Optional Policies

Cleaning and Maintaining the Environment

Children have the right to an education in an environment that provides for their health and safety. Good cleaning and maintenance of the environment ensures that illness and unintentional injuries are avoided. 

Staff Record Responsible Person

Resource Templates

Staff Record Responsible Person

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Staff Record Nominated Supervisor

Resource Templates

Staff Record Nominated Supervisor

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Staff Record Educational Leader

Resource Templates

Staff Record Educational Leader

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Occupational Workplace Violence

Thinking About

Occupational Workplace Violence

This resource is designed to support educators and service leaders to identify situations that may place the children or staff of an education and care service at risk of workplace aggression or violence.

Suggested Questions for Reviewing Your QIP

Thinking About

Suggested Questions for Reviewing Your QIP

This document provides suggested questions you can use to review your QIP in order to ensure there is an effective self-assessment and quality improvement process in place.

The Nominated Supervisor

Thinking About

The Nominated Supervisor

All services are required to have a Nominated Supervisor under the National Quality Framework. This role is very similar to the role of Authorised Supervisor under previous NSW Regulations.

Writing Policy

Thinking About

Writing Policy

Structure, plain language, short sentences, good grammar, lack of clichés, active voice, passive voice, terminology and jargon, headers, footers, drafting, adapting, colloquial and formal.

Preparing for an Emergency

Thinking About

Preparing for an Emergency

Emergency and incident management is vital to protect the health and safety of children, staff and families in early education and care services.

The Responsible Person

Thinking About

The Responsible Person

There must be a responsible person present at a centre-based service at all times that the service is educating and caring for children.


Thinking About


Ongoing self-assessment in Early Learning and Care Services against the National Quality Standards (NQS) drives continuous improvement in practice, leading to high-quality educational outcomes for children and families.

Pre-rest / sleep check (3-5 years)

Resource Templates

Pre-rest / sleep check (3-5 years)

The Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations outline requirements to ensure all children are safe while enrolled in early education and care services. Sleep and rest time can be a time when children’s safety may be at risk. This form template can be used for making pre-rest/sleep checks for 3-5 year olds.

Children's rest and sleep documentation (3-5 years)

Simple Guides

Children's rest and sleep documentation (3-5 years)

The Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations outline requirements to ensure all children are safe while enrolled in early education and care services. Sleep and rest time can be a time when children’s safety may be at risk.

This Simple Guide includes links to safe sleep and rest resources relating to the 3-5yr age group, and a template for pre-rest/sleep check.

Preparing Educators for Assessment

Thinking About

Preparing Educators for Assessment

Talking about the quality of your education and care service is one topic that all educators and staff should be effective in communicating; whether this is with families, children, the community, management or an Authorised Officer. We need to be able to identify what quality means in our individual service and how this is reflected in the education and care we provide.

Writing Culturally Engaging Job Ads for First Nations Candidates

Thinking About

Writing Culturally Engaging Job Ads for First Nations Candidates

Crafting a culturally engaging job ad for First Nations candidates ensures inclusivity, respect, and demonstrates your dedication to diversity. We have provided a guide on how to draft an ad that resonates with First Nations and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Creating a Culturally Safe Workplace for First Nations Employees

Thinking About

Creating a Culturally Safe Workplace for First Nations Employees

We have provided some guidelines to help you foster a workplace environment that truly respects and understands the First Nations cultures and practices of employees.

Broadside - Why it’s time for a new approach to setting wages and conditions  - September 2023


Broadside - Why it’s time for a new approach to setting wages and conditions - September 2023

The early childhood sector has undergone massive changes over the last 20 years. While demand for early educators has skyrocketed over this time, and their skills, qualifications and responsibilities have increased, wages for early childhood educators and teachers have barely budged. Basic economics tells us that when demand outstrips supply it results in an increase in the price. But the reality for early educators is very different.  

Issue 140 - Nov 22


Issue 140 - Nov 22

We hope that you enjoy this issue of Rattler, which begins with a spotlight on CELA member The Point Preschool, defined by a supportive culture and creative approach, and share the story of how a "Spectacular Find" in a sandpit led to a STEM award.

Issue 142 - Apr 23


Issue 142 - Apr 23

Rattler issue 142 is here! At a time when many new educators are being employed, and many existing educators are being promoted to leadership positions, this issue of Rattler includes some great articles focused on supporting new educators and leaders in our sector. 

Woodrising Community Preschool and Child Care Centre Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Woodrising Community Preschool and Child Care Centre Philosophy

We value natural learning in natural environments. We support the children to engage in interest based, exploratory play – something that is intrinsically motivated and not forced upon the children.

The Point Preschool philosophy

Service Philosophies

The Point Preschool philosophy

The Point Preschool have been providing high quality, not-for-profit, community-based early childhood education since 1956.

Euroka Children's Centre philosophy

Service Philosophies

Euroka Children's Centre philosophy

Euroka Children's Centre Incorporated is a not for profit, community based long day care centre that has been operating since 1985.

Bermagui Preschool philosophy

Service Philosophies

Bermagui Preschool philosophy

Bermagui Preschool has been operating since October 1976.  They are a Non-Profit Government/Community based Preschool catering for up to 40 children between the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years

Developing a Philosophy

Thinking About

Developing a Philosophy

A philosophy provides a comprehensive statement reflecting long-term considerations, purpose, values, and beliefs of the education and care setting.

Authorisation Form for Excursions

Resource Templates

Authorisation Form for Excursions

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Authorisation Form for Transportation

Resource Templates

Authorisation Form for Transportation

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Family Code of Conduct

Resource Templates

Family Code of Conduct

This document sets out the code of conduct to support parents/caregivers and visitors to respond in a way that supports the safety, welfare and wellbeing of staff, children and families at all times.

Developing Policy

Thinking About

Developing Policy

An essential part of the operation of any education and care setting is the development and implementation of policy for the community of children, families and staff. This document provides a broad overview of, and introduction to, the policy planning process and some initial considerations.

Being Nominated Supervisor

Simple Guides

Being Nominated Supervisor

This is a simple guide to the role of Nominated Supervisor under the National Quality Framework (NQF) for centre-based and family day care services.

Being an Approved Provider

Simple Guides

Being an Approved Provider

This is a simple guide to the role of an Approved Provider under the National Quality Framework (NQF).

Fraud in Education Services

Simple Guides

Fraud in Education Services

4 places you might find fraud in an education service and 8 ways you can prevent it.

Staff Sign On Sheet

Resource Templates

Staff Sign On Sheet

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Staff Record Students and Volunteers

Resource Templates

Staff Record Students and Volunteers

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Staff Record

Resource Templates

Staff Record

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan - Medical Conditions

Resource Templates

Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan - Medical Conditions

This template combines the requirements for a risk minimisation and communication pan. 
Regulation 90(1)(iii) requires the development of a risk-minimisation plan in consultation with the parents of a child. This plan is developed to minimise risk by ensuring staff and volunteers understand the medical conditions policy and each child’s medical requirements.

Risk Benefit Assessment Tool Template

Resource Templates

Risk Benefit Assessment Tool Template

Do not proceed with the activity unless the results of the risk assessment determine the level of risk is minimial and/or there are adequate measures in place.

Risk Assessment

Resource Templates

Risk Assessment

The Education and Care Services National Law requires you to ‘ensure that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children… from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury’ (Section 167). Identifying a risk is the first step in assessing it, this form will lead you through the critical steps that follow to ensure you develop a plan to manage the risk effectively. The prompts embedded in this resource will establish a collaborative and continuous review process to improve and amend your planning and decision making around the identified risk.

Responsible Person Record

Resource Templates

Responsible Person Record

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Record of Volunteers and Students

Resource Templates

Record of Volunteers and Students

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Record of service compliance

Resource Templates

Record of service compliance

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Record of access to ECT

Resource Templates

Record of access to ECT

Record of access to early childhood teachers for services licensed less than 30 children.

Notification of changes to policies and procedures

Resource Templates

Notification of changes to policies and procedures

Services are legally required to ensure that families are notified 14 days in advance of any changes in policies which affect the service's provision of education and care to any enrolled child or a family's ability  to use the service; fees; or fee collection proceedures. 

Medical Management Plan

Resource Templates

Medical Management Plan

Regulation 90(1)(i) requires parents to provide a medical management plan for their child if the child has a specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition.

Medical Condition Register

Resource Templates

Medical Condition Register

This register supports services to summarise all children enrolled who have medical conditions or health care needs, their days of attendance, the completion of relevant plans and any upcoming review dates. 

Infectious Disease Notification

Resource Templates

Infectious Disease Notification

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Enrolment Form

Resource Templates

Enrolment Form

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

End Of Day Security Checklist

Resource Templates

End Of Day Security Checklist

This is a sample form only. Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) has taken all care in compiling this information. We have done this on the understanding that all members undertake the responsibilty for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content for their services's situation.

Emergency Risk Assessment

Resource Templates

Emergency Risk Assessment

For the purpose of preparing the emergency and evacuation proceedures, the approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a risk assessment is conducted to identify the potential emergencies that are relevant to the service.

This template can be used to conduct risk assessments in line with Regulation 97: Emergency and Evacuation Procedures.


Resource Templates


ACECQA has many useful forms and templates for services to use and amend where needed.  These include the following: Medication record, Incident, injury, trauma and illness record, Compliance history statement, Excursion and Transport Risk Assessment, and Prohibition notice declaration for prospective staff members.

Refocusing your staff meetings


Refocusing your staff meetings

Refocus team meetings to create meaningful continuous improvement and introduce strategies to achieve success.

Conflict Resolution


Conflict Resolution

Our webinar aims to help learners feflect on the need for a Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics, explore the causes of conflict and examine how conflict develops into a crisis situation and more

Transition to School


Transition to School

Transition to School aims to help learners work with families to ensure a smooth transition by creating joint goals, and to develop practices to help children and families prepare for the transition to big school.

Professional Writing


Professional Writing

Understand the principles of writing for effective communication, and reflect on the importance of editing, phrasing and structure in presenting professional written communications.

Hard Conversations


Hard Conversations

We all have those conversations which we are unsure of how to tackle and, as a result, perhaps avoid in hope of them magically resolving themselves!

The Natural Environment


The Natural Environment

Global warming is a very real issue in our world and education is the key to making an impact on the situation. 

Creating Positive Spaces for Children


Creating Positive Spaces for Children

This webinar will explore the relationship between curriculum and the environment.

Keeping Your QIP Alive!


Keeping Your QIP Alive!

This member webinar will assist you to understand the quality improvement planning process how it drives quality

Programming - Why do we do it?


Programming - Why do we do it?

Often we are too quick to jump straight into how we program, when in fact, understanding the why is what will motivate us to learn more and develop effective programming practices. 

Enriching Interactions


Enriching Interactions

How can I be more responsive to children during play? 

Vulnerable and Valuable


Vulnerable and Valuable

Gain an insight into what disadvantage is and how, by using the capabilities approach, we can employ strategies that respond to protective behaviours. 

Supporting Culturally Inclusive Practice


Supporting Culturally Inclusive Practice

This webinar will explore the meaning of cultural competence and how it relates to the Early Years Learning Framework. 

Being in the Here and Now with Children


Being in the Here and Now with Children

Learn about the difference between supervision and engagement, think about how effective supervision enhances the ability to engage with children and examine the links between engagement and intentional teaching.

Working Effectively with Families


Working Effectively with Families

Engage in reflective practice while considering the importance of relationships and partnerships with families.

Exploring the world of Under 2s


Exploring the world of Under 2s

Exploring the world of Under 2s – Finding Joy in working with babies

Enriching block play in the outdoors - Part 2


Enriching block play in the outdoors - Part 2

Part Two will delve deeper into the elements of block spaces.

Inclusive Celebrations


Inclusive Celebrations

You will be challenged to reflect on how you are approaching celebrations at your service and explore the value of adding celebrations to the curriculum. 

Enriching block play in the outdoors


Enriching block play in the outdoors

Enriching block play in the outdoors

Deconstructing Constructions


Deconstructing Constructions

This webinar will challenge you to reflect on your block building and construction space while exploring the potential for it to enhance collaboration and creativity.

Staff Meetings to Inspire


Staff Meetings to Inspire

How inspiring are your team meetings? Are they over run with compliance issues? Are they task orientated? This webinar helps you to refocus team meetings, to make it child centred, reflective and meaningful.

Rethinking Literacy


Rethinking Literacy

Find out more about the value and importance of literacy and how you can easily incorporate it into your environments and everyday practices.


Thinking about Children’s Voices


Thinking about Children’s Voices

Thinking about Children’s Voices, gives participants the opportunity to reflect on how they include children in the decision making that affects them. It takes a close look at the documents that support the child’s right to speak and to be heard and for their decisions to be acted upon.

Being an Educational Leader: Linking Theory to Practice


Being an Educational Leader: Linking Theory to Practice

This member webinar will look closely at what theory is and help educators to define why theory is important.  It will explore the value of engaging with theory and ways to engage your team. 

Being an Educational Leader – Curriculum Development


Being an Educational Leader – Curriculum Development

Join us for this member webinar where participants will: review their understanding of the curriculum planning process and links with philosophy, develop strategies to assist in articulating and evaluating their curriculum, and more.

Mentoring in ECEC


Mentoring in ECEC

The terms Mentor and Mentoring are used widely in the Early Education sector, but what do they really mean? Join us in this webinar as we delve into what makes a successful mentoring relationship. We explore the roles of mentor and mentee and different models that are usedl for mentoring. 

Added:      December 2021
Duration:  10 minutes

Time Management


Time Management

In this short webinar, members will look at ways of using time more effectively and what could be causing procrastination during the workday. Join us in looking at different strategies that could be implemented to instil a more organised approach to the ever-increasing tasks that have to be completed within an EC service 

Added:      May 2022
Duration:  24 minutes

Infectious Diseases Sign

Signs and posters

Infectious Diseases Sign

These are sample forms only. Community Early Learning Australia considers these forms to satisfy what is required under the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and has taken all care in compiling this information. 

Provider Information

Signs and posters

Provider Information

These are sample forms only. Community Early Learning Australia considers these forms to satisfy what is required under the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and has taken all care in compiling this information.

Learning through play poster

Practice Tools

Learning through play poster

Learning through play - it's the best way poster.

Print this poster and share it with families and team members to promote the benefits of learning through play. 

Five fingerplays with lyrics and movements

Practice Tools

Five fingerplays with lyrics and movements

Fingerplays involve using fingers and hands to perform actions that accompany a song or poem. This printable tool includes the lyrics and movements for five popular fingerplays. 

Broadside - Jobs and Skills Summit - October 22


Broadside - Jobs and Skills Summit - October 22

The Federal Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit was held at Parliament House in Canberra on 1-2 September 2022. Its purpose was to bring together unions, employers, civil society and governments to address shared economic challenges. 

Broadside - Workforce Pulse Check Report


Broadside - Workforce Pulse Check Report

June was a watershed moment for Australia's early childhood education and care sector. After over a decade of advocacy pushing for all children to be guaranteed access to high-quality early education, Victoria and New South Wales committed to unprecedented, sustained funding for the sector to increase all children’s access.  

Issue 139


Issue 139

We hope that you enjoy this issue of Rattler, which begins with a spotlight on CELA member Murray-Toola Damana, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander preschool in Sydney's Mt Druitt. Director Fran McCarthy and co-founder Karen Isaacs share how they are creating a model of education where 'each child can fulfill their dreaming and become the person they were meant to be'.

Issue 141 - Dec 22


Issue 141 - Dec 22

As 2022 draws to a close, we're thrilled to bring you our beautifully designed Rattler and Amplify! annual compendium. This year's compendium brings together some of the best Rattler and Amplify! stories from this year.

Issue 138


Issue 138

We hope that you enjoy this issue of Rattler, which begins with a spotlight on CELA member Armidale Community Preschool, who started Term 1 with their entire team falling ill with COVID. Director Sue Motley shares how she was able to ensure that the preschool remained open, while keeping a focus on educator wellbeing and health.

Issue 137


Issue 137

As 2021 draws to a close, we're thrilled to bring you our Rattler and Amplify! annual compendium. This year's compendium brings together some of the best Rattler and Amplify! stories from this year.

Issue 136


Issue 136

This edition of Rattler begins with a moving story about CELA member St John’s Catholic Preschool and Long Daycare. Located in the Western Sydney suburb of Auburn, the service’s families were recently subjected to some of Australia’s harshest lockdown rules. Director Cindy Adams and her team have been working tirelessly during the lockdown to support the many CALD, refugee and asylum seeking families who attend. Find out what they’ve been doing to help and how your service may also be able to help by offering a space to a child of a family seeking asylum.

Issue 135


Issue 135

This edition of Rattler begins with our Meet the Member feature, where we share a delightful story about how Bermagui Preschool has been part of a project to grow intergenerational friendships and cultural understanding called the Moodji Project. 

CELA IPART Review response


CELA IPART Review response

IPART (Independant Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal) is reviewing the NSW early childhood education and care sector to understand affordability, accessibility, and consumer choice, and make recommendations where necessary to improve them. IPART released an Issues Paper seeking feedback on experiences of access and affordability in the sector.

Read CELA's response to the Issues Paper

CELA Productivity Commission Inquiry Submission May 2023


CELA Productivity Commission Inquiry Submission May 2023

Early Childhood Education and Care: Fit for the Future.
Productivity Commission Submission written by CELA

Member news - COVID-19 Information & Advocacy


Member news - COVID-19 Information & Advocacy

It is important that all services are aware of current advice and updates regarding the COVID-19 virus. The amount of information (and misinformation) circulating can be incredibly overwhelming. Information is changing rapidly and the best way to stay up to date is to refer to reliable websites as a source of truth.

COVID-19 Communicating with parents


COVID-19 Communicating with parents

In a time of ‘social distancing’ we face a challenge to maintain focus on relationship building. Use the following checklist to help you plan and initiate practices that are guided by the NQS and EYLF/MTOP while helping you to build partnerships with families and the broader community.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment Guidance tool


COVID-19 Risk Assessment Guidance tool

The purpose of this document is to assist Approved Providers and Nominated Supervisors in updating their service’s COVID-19 Risk Assessment in response to the recent changes in household and close contacts rules.

Staffing Arrangements During COVID-19


Staffing Arrangements During COVID-19

Occasionally educators may have health matters that prevent them from attending the service and result in them working from home. 

COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool


COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool

The tool will help you to navigate through a number of COVID-19 related scenarios, outlining hazards, risks, likelihood and potential control strategies.

Resource updated: Oct 2022

Letter to parents


Letter to parents

A sample letter to send to parents asking for their help and cooperation to ensure the health and safety of your service community.  

Physical Distancing Tool


Physical Distancing Tool

Physical distancing is one of the key measures currently being utilised to contribute to Australia’s ability to severely limit transmission of COVID-19.

Member Flood Support


Member Flood Support

So many of our members are dealing with devastating floods across communities. To help, we’ve collated links to give you easy access to the support available currently.

ABC Kids Early Education & CBCA – Recording


ABC Kids Early Education & CBCA – Recording

Watch the recording of our webinar "Children’s Literature and Multimodal Literacy in the Early Years", which was streamed live and for "members only" on 12 May 2022. Bonus: Free resources for download.

Woollahra Preschool Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Woollahra Preschool Philosophy

We believe educators should give priority to nurturing relationships – providing children with consistent emotional support, trust and guidance to assist children to develop the skills and understandings they need to interact positively with others.

Rainbow Cottage Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Rainbow Cottage Philosophy

The staff of Rainbow Cottage believes the children that come to our centre have a variety of personal experiences and environmental factors which contribute to personal development.

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten Philosophy

This recipe is based on the book ‘A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool...’ Belonging, Being and Becoming, ‐ The Early Years Framework for Australia.

Possum Place Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Possum Place Philosophy

Possum Place Child & Vacation Care Centres promote the value of childhood as a time when children as capable learners and co-constructors begin and continue their life journey. This is inclusive of respecting and embracing diversity and encouraging open collaboration and belonging for all participants.

Normanhurst West Community Preschool Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Normanhurst West Community Preschool Philosophy

Our Preschool provides a play-based curriculum which can evolve and respond to the interests of each child, a warm, friendly and child safe environment with a flexible routine which allows children to feel secure in their ability to learn and play.

Gymea Community Preschool Philosophy

Service Philosophies

Gymea Community Preschool Philosophy

At Gymea Community Preschool we recognise the Dharawal people, the traditional owners of the land on which we learn and play. We acknowledge our responsibility to learn from the local Aboriginal community to implement practices and policies that are respectful of their land, language, culture and traditions. 

Broadside - Omicron Pulse check report summary - MAR 22


Broadside - Omicron Pulse check report summary - MAR 22

Highlighting the fragility of funding arrangements and viability in early education and care.

Investing in our Future Report


Investing in our Future Report

CELA, together with Early Learning Association of Australia and Community Child Care have released a report which highlights the significant workforce shortages in early education and care. 

Broadside - Key takeouts from the ACECQA Workforce Strategy


Broadside - Key takeouts from the ACECQA Workforce Strategy

The ACECQA Workforce Strategy Report highlights the workforce challenges the sector faces and proposes 21 actions to address them over the next ten years. We share key takeouts and what we are advocating for as the findings are implemented.

Broadside - Why Ventilation is Vital


Broadside - Why Ventilation is Vital

With the announcement of a return to early education and care from 18 October, ventilation should be on every service's COVID safe plan. 

What should I do if a parent or carer puts staff and/or children at risk?


What should I do if a parent or carer puts staff and/or children at risk?

During an incident, CELA recommends taking the following steps, which are outlined in our Sample Workplace Violence Policy for members.

Issue 134


Issue 134

This edition of Rattler begins with our Meet the Member feature, highlighting how confidence and critical reflection enabled Cooks Hill Preschool to achieve an exceeding rating in all 7 areas in their recent Assessment & Rating.

Issue 132


Issue 132

In this edition of Rattler we focus on articles designed to inspire and help you through this uncertain time and into the start of 2021. We begin with our regular spotlight Meet the Member, where preschool director Christine McKnight shares how community, friendship and belonging are helping the fire affected community of Cobargo on their long road to recovery.

Issue 131


Issue 131

In this edition of Rattler we focus on articles designed to inspire and uplift you during this challenging time. We begin with our regular spotlight Meet the Member, where we find out how Young mobile playgroup and preschool, situated in the NSW south west, engages local families and community. We also bring you the second of a three part series focusing on exceeding services, with an in-depth look at how St Luke’s Preschool in Dapto held onto their exceeding rating during a change in leadership. 

Issue 130


Issue 130

Our March edition includes the first of a series of articles focused around exceeding services, with this edition sharing insights around how NSW South Coast service Narooma Preschool achieved exceeding ratings in all 7 quality areas. 

Issue 129


Issue 129

Insightful articles covering topics such as stamping out racism, welcoming rainbow families, building a sustainable workforce and the importance of quality conversations with children.

Issue 128


Issue 128

How early educators can help stop racism, The calming power of mindfulness for children,
The benefits of upskilling, Why good conversations count, Preschools under pressure and much more

Issue 127


Issue 127

A new study looks at Early Childhood Educator well-being. A magical experience at Nature Explorers. How can we lead pedagogy by lifting our gaze? The shifting nature of quality. Broadside and much more.

Issue 126


Issue 126

Election 2019: What the sector is saying. Inclusion: How to welcome rainbow families, Your 8 week quality PD plan, The importance of trust in communications, Broadside and much more.

Broadside - CELA's Advocacy during the Delta Outbreak


Broadside - CELA's Advocacy during the Delta Outbreak

CELA CEO Michele Carnegie shares insights into  our advocacy approach and key challenges the sector  is facing.

CELA Advocacy Position May 2021


CELA Advocacy Position May 2021

An important part of our work at CELA is year-round advocacy on behalf of our members, representing the interests of community and small providers.

CELA Report - Families and vulnerability: Why early education is essential to COVID recovery


CELA Report - Families and vulnerability: Why early education is essential to COVID recovery

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on Australia’s most vulnerable children has been stark, and many effects are yet to be seen.

Issue 125


Issue 125

Time for action - The challenge of change – Keeping play in balance – A unique kids’ cottage - Building bridges Your 8-week Music PD Plan – Holistic, multi-philosophy approach to education – Make a scarecrow + much more

Issue 133


Issue 133

The 2020 Rattler compendium brings together some of the best Rattler and Amplify! stories from the year.

Broadside - COVID-19 CELA responds


Broadside - COVID-19 CELA responds

CELA is deeply concerned about CCS funded community and not-for-profit early childhood education and care services who due the limitations of current government support are never likely to recover from any closure beyond a fortnight. The risk of services never opening again is very real.

Broadside - Child Care Funding


Broadside - Child Care Funding

This information is relevant to services previously funded under CCS, such as long day care, out of school hours care, family day care and occassional care.

Broadside - CELA’s 2021-22 budget review


Broadside - CELA’s 2021-22 budget review

CELA's 2021-2022 budget review: Here’s a brief summary of what of what you need to know, how it may impact you, and what still needs to be urgently addressed.

Broadside - NQF Review


Broadside - NQF Review

The review of the National Quality Framework is a significant milestone in the quality journey for early childhood education and care. 

Nathan Wallis Change Your Brain Resource


Nathan Wallis Change Your Brain Resource

This infographic summarises the main points shared in the Change your brain, change your life session from our Elevate 2020 conference with neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis

Broadside - Pulse Check - How members are faring


Broadside - Pulse Check - How members are faring

Thanks to CELA members for your strong response to our recent survey. We were thrilled to hear from 168 of you from across the sector.

Broadside - How children are faring in their year before school


Broadside - How children are faring in their year before school

Hundreds of thousands of children across Australia are finishing early childhood education this year. For these children it will be a very different experience to those who’ve gone before them.

Broadside - How children are faring in their year before school


Broadside - How children are faring in their year before school

Hundreds of thousands of children across Australia are finishing early childhood education this year. For these children it will be a very different experience to those who’ve gone before them.

Broadside - The return to CCS


Broadside - The return to CCS

The Government has announced that the Child Care Subsidy will resume on 13 July. In this Broadside, CELA CEO Michele Carnegie and Research and Policy Manager Megan O'Connell, break down the details of the announcement, its likely effect on services, families and ongoing advocacy.

Broadside - Jobkeeper package


Broadside - Jobkeeper package

CELA has been actively advocating to state and Commonwealth governments to ensure the viability of early childhood education and care. 

Broadside - The return to CCS


Broadside - The return to CCS

The Government has announced that the Child Care Subsidy will resume on 13 July. In this Broadside, CELA CEO Michele Carnegie and Research and Policy Manager Megan O'Connell, break down the details of the announcement, its likely effect on services, families and ongoing advocacy.

Broadside - ECEC Viability


Broadside - ECEC Viability

ECEC Viability and how the Education and Care Relief Package has affected you.

Broadside - Jobkeeper Package


Broadside - Jobkeeper Package

CELA has been actively advocating to state and Commonwealth governments to ensure the viability of early childhood education and care.

Broadside - Preschool Funding


Broadside - Preschool Funding

CELA has been advocating across Australia to ensure preschools are funded in a viable manner despite reduced attendance due to COVID-19.

Broadside - ECEC funding and CELA advocacy update


Broadside - ECEC funding and CELA advocacy update

During this challenging and uncertain time we have been actively advocating for our members around a wide variety of funding and viability measures. 

Issue 75


Issue 75


Issue 76


Issue 76


Issue 77


Issue 77


Issue 78


Issue 78


Issue 79


Issue 79


Issue 80


Issue 80

Celebrate! Preschools go crazy. Preschool funding & NSW election. New obesity report plus more...

Issue 81


Issue 81


Issue 82


Issue 82


Issue 83


Issue 83


Issue 84


Issue 84


Issue 85


Issue 85

Environments, Margaret Sims, The new politics, Maxine McKew & MORE…

Issue 86


Issue 86

Food safety, Corporate care teaching trophies, Emergent curriculum + MORE…

Issue 87


Issue 87

The Ceecees! Eva Cox close up, 30 years of change among the gumtrees + MORE…

Issue 88


Issue 88

Learning from ABC advocates in NSW, Go bushwalking! Gabe Connell + MORE…

Issue 89


Issue 89

The autism spectrum bowled over: Jack high ldc workforce: train & retain guide to peak bodies + more

Issue 90


Issue 90


Issue 91


Issue 91

EYLF announcement, universal access update, bilingual learning, little yuin, big profile + more

Issue 92


Issue 92

Mary Bailey house, facebook: friend or foe? Early learning design around the world, grassroots eylf + more

Issue 93


Issue 93

Rising rent realities, courageous acts, private pre-prep, documentation rethink + MORE…

Issue 94


Issue 94

Your guide to the big changes in children’s services nationwide & state-specific.

Issue 95


Issue 95

Ceecees awards, children’s rights, mobile preschools, transition to school.

Issue 96


Issue 96

Celebrating play drought takes toll you deserve a raise! close up: PETER Garrett dealing with disclosure

Issue 97


Issue 97


Issue 98


Issue 98

Barlu Kurli preschool Children in detention CHILD RIGHTS NQS Spotlight: Relationships Out-of-scope services + MORE

Issue 99


Issue 99

Children in occupied territories who needs a forest? NQS Spotlight: communities meet the minister + MORE

Broadside - Addressing workforce challenges - May 2019


Broadside - Addressing workforce challenges - May 2019

Addressing the workforce challenges in early childhood education and care.

Broadside - April 2019


Broadside - April 2019

By the age of five around 300,000 children are starting school – but more than one in five are not as prepared as their peers. 

Broadside - Autumn 2017


Broadside - Autumn 2017

Big business taking over childcare: Councils fast-tracking development, Corporates bypass planning regulations, Big business comes to Sutherland, How will smaller services survive? And what about children? The stats that matter Quarterly wrap

Broadside - Child care subsidy - August 2019


Broadside - Child care subsidy - August 2019

We were so pleased with the level of feedback on our sector survey regarding the Child Care Subsidy Package. Responses provided highly detailed feedback, which we have provided to the Australian Institute of Family Studies to inform their evaluation.

Broadside - ECE in the election - May 2019


Broadside - ECE in the election - May 2019

Amplify editor Bec Lloyd and CELA CEO Michele Carnegie round up the latest policy announcements from the major political parties this week ahead of the National Early Childhood Election Forum.

Broadside - ECEC funding and advocacy


Broadside - ECEC funding and advocacy

During this challenging and uncertain time we have been actively advocating for our members around a wide variety of funding and viability measures. 

Broadside - Federal election focus - May 2019


Broadside - Federal election focus - May 2019

With 90% of brain development occurring in the first five years of life, quality early learning sets everyone’s foundations. If Australia fails to invest early, we pay for it later.

Broadside - Federal election pre-election week - May 2019


Broadside - Federal election pre-election week - May 2019

In an election where early childhood education is being treated seriously, it’s even more vital to be informed and make sure your vote counts for the issues that matter to you. 

Broadside - Have your say in the NQF review - June 2019


Broadside - Have your say in the NQF review - June 2019

If it seems to you that we just had a review of the National Quality Framework, you’re right – the process takes about three years.

Broadside - Jan/Feb 2015


Broadside - Jan/Feb 2015

Speak Up, Who is who, Ministerial reshuffle on child care explained!, Scott Morrison’s words on ‘childcare’, Events you need to know about, Caring for children, Have you hear of Smart Start?, Economists excited about childcare, Subsidised Childcare...

Broadside - July/Aug 2015


Broadside - July/Aug 2015

So, What Happens Now?, Ready for the Ratios, Package Needs Re-Imagining, LDC National Partnership Grants Program, Macquarie workshops, QTC Registered PD, Fees Updates, Quick Policy Updates, Funding of Community Child Care (NSW), Not Yet Meeting, Great Online Resources

Broadside - July/Aug 2016


Broadside - July/Aug 2016

Election 2016, Calls to reconsider BBF cuts, High staff turnover “not good” for young children, FDC Rorts: Time for a new system, ECEC services keep on improving, New resources at Kids Matter, EC:Living Magazine – first edition out now...

Broadside - June 2014


Broadside - June 2014

LDCPDP: More on PD funding, Children’s Services Central PD Handbook and Calendar, Quality Matters & Changes to the Regulations, Census: National Workforce Census released, Family Day Care, Literacy, Teaching degree anyone?

Broadside - Labor promises urgent review of bbf funding - May 2019


Broadside - Labor promises urgent review of bbf funding - May 2019

Vicki Olds is an early childhood teacher, but lately she’s wondering why. For years she’s delivered specialised and responsive early childhood education programs to some of Australia’s most remote and vulnerable families...

Broadside - March 2019


Broadside - March 2019

election 2019 - Placing the child at the centre of everything we do

Broadside - March/April 2015


Broadside - March/April 2015

Thanks! We lobby you all, Minister gives unqualified support to the NQF, New promises made, Ratings, Thank you Members, NSW’s first preschool to be sold, What will the Government deliver for Aboriginal children and families?

Broadside - National early childhood election forum - May 2019


Broadside - National early childhood election forum - May 2019

The forum held in Melbourne last week was sponsored by some of the partners behind Early Learning: Everyone Benefits – CELA, ECA-Victoria, ELAA, Goodstart, CELA, KU Children’s Services, and Playgroups Australia. CELA CEO Michele Carnegie and Research Adviser Megan O’Connell attended the event.

Broadside - New child care funding


Broadside - New child care funding

This information is relevant to services previously funded under CCS, such as long day care, out of school hours care, family day care and occassional care. 

Broadside - Nov 2014


Broadside - Nov 2014

Putting women in the picture, Post graduate study scholarships, Did you know about ECA Digital Business Kit?
Closing the gap at the snail’s pace, Regulatory Impact Statement on NQF Changes, Back orders of Rattler, Have you heard about iiiHub?, Can we have some of what they’re having?

Broadside - Nov/Dec 2015


Broadside - Nov/Dec 2015

Celebrating the wins, The right skills, Changes to the sector:, Hey Minister, what’s the deal?, Looking back: So long, 2015, Giving children a voice, Calling all children’s advocates, LDC Survey, New PD Handbook out soon, SNAICC Videos, Fill your cup first, No green thumb? No worries!, The impact of No Jab, No Play

Broadside - Nov/Dec 2016


Broadside - Nov/Dec 2016

Managing a big year of change, Season’s Greetings, Letter from the CEO, Preschools: Start Strong Update, DoE, Workshops: Grassroots Educator Consultations, News: Radical Overhaul Needed, Listening to Membership: Members speak out, Awards: And the winner is…

Broadside - NSW votes on early learning


Broadside - NSW votes on early learning

As we’ve previously shared, the NSW election has raised early learning and OSHC issues to a higher level than we’ve seen in many years. 

Broadside - NSW budget 2019-2020


Broadside - NSW budget 2019-2020

The NSW Budget delivered this week includes few surprises and confirms the ongoing commitment to higher investment in early childhood education announced prior to the state election and flowing on from the 2018-19 Budget.

Broadside - NSW joins Victoria with promise of 3-yo preschools


Broadside - NSW joins Victoria with promise of 3-yo preschools

A record-breaking investment, a cautious welcome, or ‘all tip and no iceberg’? CELA CEO Michele Carnegie talks to Amplify editor Bec Lloyd about the NSW ALP announcement this week...

Broadside - Oct 2014


Broadside - Oct 2014

Sneak Peak: PC Report and the RIS, Advocacy Masterclass Campaign, Funding, Training, PDSP Applications, Received your copy of Connections?, Early education could make our country reacher, Big news for (Victorian) preschools

Broadside - Promising OSHC the world


Broadside - Promising OSHC the world

As recently as the last NSW election in 2015, there was an acknowledged need for 45,000 or more places in outside school hours care (OSHC, or OOSH) in both public and private schools.

Broadside - Queensland budget - June 2019


Broadside - Queensland budget - June 2019

In the 2019-2020 Budget released on 11 June, Queensland’s Palaszczuk government has shown it values the importance of investing in the early years...

Broadside - OSHC - April 2019


Broadside - OSHC - April 2019

With vacation care underway in many parts of Australia, and OSHC the centre of some big spending commitments at the recent NSW election, it’s timely to take a look at what’s on offer and how it might play out for educators and school communities. 

Broadside - Our voice is loud


Broadside - Our voice is loud

This is a big year for elections and even though NSW will be voting this Saturday, the campaigning is far from over as the Australian election is expected before the end of May.

Broadside - Preschool funding


Broadside - Preschool funding

CELA has been advocating across Australia to ensure preschools are funded in a viable manner despite reduced attendance due to COVID-19.

Broadside - Responding to COVID-19


Broadside - Responding to COVID-19

CELA has welcomed a significant number of calls and requests for information from services across the country in relation to COVID-19.

Broadside - Sep/Oct 2015 ACT


Broadside - Sep/Oct 2015 ACT

Time for Hope, ACT Preschool Hours Guaranteed, What we know | Regulatory Reminders, The NQF: not jabberwocky!, NQF in a Box: New, updated policies, Trained but not well enough?, Nanny anyone?, More than baby talk, Moveable equipment safety

Broadside - Sep/Oct 2016


Broadside - Sep/Oct 2016

A new direction for preschool investment, New workforce research project, New online diversity resource, New wellbeing diary launched, ECEC subsidies across the ditch, Robbing Peter to pay Paul, More Australian children in poverty, When Irish eyes are smiling, Professional Development, New NSW child obesity inquiry

Broadside - Sept 2014


Broadside - Sept 2014

Standing Up for Children’s Rights, Video of Preschool Funding session available, How far to the right can Australia go?, Universal Access, Congratulations graduates!, Funding News, Management committee health check-up, CCCC releases a national version of A Director’s Manual...

Broadside - April/May 2014


Broadside - April/May 2014

Rating results, Regulation changes, Short survey, The good ship LDCPDP, News: Help make a CCCC manifesto!, IPSP Online Library, What is iiiHub?, Preschool funding

Broadside - May/June 2015


Broadside - May/June 2015

It’s Time for Policy, What’s White, Green and read all over?, Alstonville Preschool Starts to Build, Our new Minister, Key issues for the NSW Parliament, CCCC Training Vouchers, What preschools need to know about the new preschool census, Family Matters...

Broadside - Sept/Oct 2015


Broadside - Sept/Oct 2015

Time for Hope, Budget Estimates, Children in Detention, Nanny anyone?, New ‘childcare’ planning group, Research, The NQF: not jabberwocky, Trained… but not well enough, Did you know?, More than baby talk, Moveable equipment safety

Broadside - Jan/Feb 2016


Broadside - Jan/Feb 2016

Duty of Care, Reconciliation Action Plan Underway!, Our Voice Heard in Canberra, 2016 Year of the Conference, New Government Reports, New Education Minister for ACT | Qualifications: The Real Story, Immunisation: LDC & FDC, Immunisation: Preschools...

Broadside - March/April 2016


Broadside - March/April 2016

Sound & Fury, And Another Productivity Commission Inquiry, IPSP–ISS Changes: Professional Support Program – What the Changes Mean, Farewells & Thank-yous: Toodlepip, Tonia Godhard! | And goodbye Trish Brown, Election Ahead, IAS disadvantages Indigenous organisations...

Broadside - May/June 2016


Broadside - May/June 2016

Should Alarm Bells Be Ringing?, Election Update 2016, IPSP–ISS Changes: Not with a whimper, but a bang!, ACFCs secure funding, Evidence to base education policy on, Support for Mobile Services, CCCCNSW and ELLA EC Co-Designing the Future of Professional Learning...

Broadside - Nov/Dec 2015 ACT


Broadside - Nov/Dec 2015 ACT

Too many places, The right skills, The impact of No Jab No Play, Will we meet the goal?, Hey Minister, what’s the deal?, Looking back: So long, 2015, Giving children a voice, Calling all children’s advocates, Book in to PD in the new year, SNAICC Videos

Practice simple hygiene


Practice simple hygiene

Practice simple hygiene by washing hands regularly

Broadside - Responding to COVID-19


Broadside - Responding to COVID-19

We commit to providing you with accurate information, as soon as possible, and representing your interests during this challenging period.

Issue 100


Issue 100

Excursions: get off the beaten track! NQS Spotlight: leadership community management matters + MORE

Issue 101


Issue 101

Quality improvement journeys NQS Spotlight: staffing arrangements parent perspectives + MORE

Issue 102


Issue 102

Quick vs quality training NQF: How they do it in QLD NQs spotlight: education program & practice + MORE

Issue 103


Issue 103

Signage do’s & don’ts guide to facebook politics & ECEC NQs spotlight: health & safety voxpop top issues + MORE

Issue 104


Issue 104

Budget based funding gender in ECEC hot issue politics spotlight On philosophy excellence rating debate + MORE

Issue 105


Issue 105

Minister Ellis change at australia st advocacy now funding model questions physical environment + MOR

Issue 106


Issue 106

Goodstart fairfield election issues intentionality lessons from pen green meet a playworker + MORE

Issue 107


Issue 107

Balnarring Preschool state funding maths & science spotlight: partnerships meet the gunnedah mob + MORE

Issue 108


Issue 108

NQF Mythbusters defying disadvantage infant’s home Gowrie SA: staffing case study settings to inspire + MORE

Issue 109


Issue 109

NQF Myth busters pirates ahoy! antarctic adventure Documentation The difficult conversation + MORE

Issue 110


Issue 110

Inclusive Practice corporate childcare PISA examined leadership symposium SPotlight on management + MORE

Issue 111


Issue 111


Issue 112


Issue 112

Selling our story teaching citizenship HAPPY GRADUATES Parental Leave Relationships with children + MORE

Issue 113


Issue 113

Authentic Inclusion Collaborative Partnerships community engagement family day care crisis + MORE

Issue 114


Issue 114


Issue 116


Issue 116


Issue 115


Issue 115


Issue 117


Issue 117


Issue 118


Issue 118


Issue 119


Issue 119


Issue 120


Issue 120


Issue 121


Issue 121

Integration in practice, Spotlight on staffing, Taking risks, Start strong, Making quality meaningful + Broadside

Issue 122


Issue 122

CELA leads the way into the future • New-look NQF Spotlight on leadership • Managing change + MORE

Issue 123


Issue 123

NEW 8-week PD planning guide · Your votes build the future · Speak up and stay safe · Write a picture book Talking about self-care · What is an early childhood professional anyway? + much more in your 30 years young Rattler+Broadside

Issue 124


Issue 124

Men at work - Overlooking gifted children - Resilience rises from the ashes - National working with children clearances - Restoring garden soil - Your 8-week PD plan for Inclusion - Lost words, + much more

Top Resources

Sample Job Descriptions

As an Administrative Officer, you are expected to be an active team member of a team which provides high quality early childhood education and care to children. This includes all matters relating to administrative and financial nature of the service. 

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Thinking About

Talking about the quality of your education and care service is one topic that all educators and staff should be effective in communicating; whether this is with families, children, the community, management or an Authorised Officer. We need to be able to identify what quality means in our individual service and how this is reflected in the education and care we provide.

View Details

Thinking About

An essential part of the operation of any education and care setting is the development and implementation of policy for the community of children, families and staff. This document provides a broad overview of, and introduction to, the policy planning process and some initial considerations.

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Guild Insurance

CELA’s insurer of choice. Protecting Australian businesses and individuals with tailored insurance products and caring personal service.