All Training Areas

Relationships with Children

Strong, Kind, Committed: Navigating the Circle of Security


This session introduces the Circle of Security program and invites educators to exploreβ€―how attachment theory underpins the program while complementing and supporting the National Framework -Belonging Being and Becoming EYLF V2.0.  

NQS Areas:

1, 5, 4, 6

WellbeingPedagogy and practiceChild RelationshipsBehaviourPartnerships

Upcoming Dates

Mon, 17 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12pm

Wed, 12 Mar 25
πŸ•’ 11am-1pm

Wed, 7 May 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12pm

Monthly learning deal

Monthly Learning Deal: Understanding Self-Assessment and Quality Improvement Planning

Are you familiar with the new tools for self-assessment to support identified and key practices? 

Learn how to build confidence in identifying and writing quality practices? 




WAS $150
NOW $90


WAS $180
NOW $110

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 4

Pedagogy and practiceCritical ReflectionAssessment & Rating

Upcoming Dates

Mon, 17 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 1pm - 3.30pm


Understanding Self-Assessment and Quality Improvement Planning

  • Are you familiar with the new tools for self-assessment to support identified and key practices? 
  • Would you like to build confidence in identifying and writing quality practices? 

Unpack key concepts such as self-assessment and quality improvement planning to enable the whole team to gain a deeper understanding of self-assessment and its role in continuous improvement in the provision of education and care. 

NQS Areas:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Upcoming Dates

Fri, 11 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 10am - 12.30pm

Tue, 17 Jun 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12:30pm

Relationships with Children

An Introduction to Reframing and Responding to Children's Behaviour


Educators often cite managing children’s behaviour as a key challenge in their work with young children, but this session can help you change that!


Delivery Method:

Webinar, Inservice

NQS Areas:

1, 5


Upcoming Dates

Tue, 18 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 11am-1pm

Thu, 8 May 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12pm

Thu, 5 Jun 25
πŸ•’ 2pm-4pm

Program and Practice

APST aligned

Practices in Action: Play Based Learning and Intentionality

  • Have you ever been challenged when thinking about how to engage in play with children so as not to encroach or take over their play?

  • Are you ready to learn more about what intentionality looks like in play-based learning environments?

In this 2-hour session we will look closely at intentionality and our role as the intentional educator in play. We will explore practical intentional strategies to bring the child’s play to life to enhance and extend learning.

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 3, 5

Early Years Learning FrameworkEYLF V2.0

Upcoming Dates

Wed, 19 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 10am - 12pm

Wed, 23 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 1pm - 3pm

Program and Practice

APST aligned

Body Safety: Exploring Protection, Respect and Consent with Young Children

  • Have you ever wondered what consent looks like with very young children?
  • Are you unsure of where to start with body safety education?

This webinar will help professionals to understand the concepts of respect, body safety and consent. This will include practical skills and knowledge for implementing and teaching these concepts amongst infants, toddlers and preschoolers.  

We will also discuss how these topics and strategies can be introduced to families at the service, encouraging them to learn more and teach these concepts in the home.

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

2, 5, 7

Child Protection

Upcoming Dates

Wed, 19 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 1pm-3:30pm

Tue, 25 Mar 25
πŸ•’ 3pm-5:30pm

Wed, 23 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12:30pm

Families and Communities

APST aligned

Recognising Vulnerability to Support Children’s Wellbeing and Development - Webinar

Would you like to feel more confident and capable when working with children and families who are experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage?

During this session, educators will learn how a strengths-based approach to building resilience can support the wellbeing and positive outcomes for children experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage.

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 4, 5, 6

Child RelationshipsProgrammingFamily relationshipsBehaviour

Upcoming Dates

Thu, 20 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 1pm-3pm

Tue, 13 May 25
πŸ•’ 2pm-4pm

Program and Practice

Revisiting the Planning Cycle - Fresh eyes, fresh ideas

Taking time to revisit and refresh our thinking on the planning cycle is a great way to build your current knowledge whilst challenging assumptions and traditional ways of doing things when it comes to programming and planning.

Delivery Method:

Webinar, Face to Face, Inservice

NQS Areas:


Early Years Learning FrameworkPedagogy and practiceCritical ReflectionProgrammingNEW topics

Upcoming Dates

Thu, 20 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 3pm-5pm

Mon, 31 Mar 25
πŸ•’ 2pm-4pm

Thu, 29 May 25
πŸ•’ 3pm-5pm

Program and Practice

APST aligned

Connecting to the Joy of Children's Learning through Purposeful Observation - Webinar

This session aims to inspire educators to reflect on their practice and find ways to highlight the understandings that children formulate about the world during play. Participants will explore how to use their observations to plan environments that form deeper connections to children's exploration and discovery.

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 5, 3


Upcoming Dates

Fri, 21 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12:30pm

Tue, 8 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 10am-12:30pm

Wed, 25 Jun 25
πŸ•’ 1pm-3:30pm

Health and Safety

APST aligned

Engaging with Principles of Active Supervision - Webinar

Through a range of activities such as identifying key times for supervision, risk assessments and supervision plans, this session will enable participants to have a conscious understanding of what active supervision means in their daily practice in order to engage with children while maintaining their safety.

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

2, 4, 7


Upcoming Dates

Mon, 24 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 10am - 12pm

Thu, 3 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 2pm-4pm

Thu, 8 May 25
πŸ•’ 1pm - 3pm

Relationships with Children

Online Masterclasses: A Framework for Understanding and Responding to Children's Behaviour


How confident are you in understanding and responding to behaviours that challenge?


To be effective and ensure each child can reach their potential, early childhood professionals need to clearly understand what drives children’s behaviour. Created and led by child development expert Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett, this training equips early childhood educators with evidence-based strategies to address behaviours that challenge.


This 5-part webinar series provides practical tools and ongoing support to empower your entire team with an evidence-informed framework to reduce the incidence of challenging behaviours.

Note: A recording of each session will be made available within 5 working days after the completion of that session. All recordings will remain available to watch for 2 weeks after the last live workshop.

Prefer to attend in person? Explore the face to face option

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

1, 5, 6

BehaviourNEW topicsPedagogy and practice

Upcoming Dates

Tue, 25 Feb + 5, 11, 18 & 25 Mar 25 πŸ•’ 10am - 12pm

Health and Safety

NSW Child Safe Standards and Child Protection Overview - For Leaders

Child safety is everybody's responsibility. As early childhood leaders, it is paramount to embed child safety into your organisational leadership, governance and culture. Do you understand your role and professional responsibilities to build a child safe environment, including responding to and reporting risk of harm concerns?

This 3-hour workshop is for leaders, directors and nominated supervisors. Looking for a session for educators, teachers and team members? Book here

Delivery Method:


NQS Areas:

2, 5, 7

Child ProtectionChild Relationships

Upcoming Dates

Tue, 25 Feb 25
πŸ•’ 3pm-6pm

Wed, 2 Apr 25
πŸ•’ 2pm-5pm

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Inservice Training

Inservice Training

While our training calendar is extensive, we know that sometimes you need a more targeted approach. Our learning and development specialists can tailor your training to be delivered where, when and how you need it. 



We offer a unique mentoring program that can be completely tailored to your needs and specifications. Based on sound educational practice and specialist expertise, our mentors provide one-on-one and group sessions to support professional progress.

RTO Accredited Training

CELA’s Registered Training Organisation (RTO ID: 90842) provides accredited, nationally recognised qualifications including our child protection training for childcare, early and middle childhood educators. We use high-quality, customised training and assessment materials written by subject matter experts to meet the unique requirements of the early childhood sector.

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