"I have the right to give my opinion, for others to listen and value my contribution.
I speak from the day I am born.
My voice is an echo of yours.
As I grow we will communicate, but we may not always speak the same language.
My canvas will be coloured by all that I see all that I hear, all that I learn…
My right to speak is my right to think independently, to express myself, to evaluate and draw conclusions.
My right to speak is lost to those who have forgotten how to listen."
- Words by Fairy Queen Caroline. Source, Children’s Week Australia.
Celebrating Children’s Week? Wherever you are from October 19-28, 2018, here’s your guide to what’s going on.
It’s not too late to join and why not mark your 2019 calendar with the dates for next year? Children’s Week is held around the world in the fourth week in October.
This year’s Children’s Week National Theme is from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12:
Children’s views and opinions are respected. They have the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child and the right to be heard.
Want to know what Children’s Week activities are happening near you? Download the calendar of events for Children’s Week 2018 (xlsx – 60.97kb).
. To find out more, see Victoria’s Children’s Week Events 2018
Victoria’s Children’s Week Banner
View the Tasmanian calendar of events hosted by the Tasmanian Council of Social Services, or jump over and check out the Playgroups Tas site because they have activities and news happening all year round!

South Australia
South Australia is really getting behind Children’s Week in 2018. Read more here or jump straight to the Central Program here.

Western Australia
So much going on, via Meeralinga! Head over here to find all the registered events.

Northern Territory
NAPCAN organises Children’s Week in the Top End, read about it here or head over to this page to get straight into the registered events.

Queensland’s Children’s Week Association includes an interesting history of the event on its website here, and we liked this list for up to date information about who can be involved and what you can do.

Australian Capital Territory
The ACT is so full of programmed activities for 2018 that you need to view them via a flipbook style reader – check it out here! And you can find out more about who is behind Children’s Week, including patrons and supporters, here.

New South Wales
In NSW Children’s Week offers a wide range of registered events and awards. You can read more about them here, including long-running events like the Biggest Recess, popular in schools, early childhood services and workplaces. See the NSW Premier talking about it below.
And finally, the official national site for Children’s Week in Australia can be found here along with some wonderful resources that can be downloaded here.

Meet the author

Bec Lloyd is the founder and managing director of Bec & Call Communication, providing professional writing, editing and strategy services to the school and early childhood education sector since 2014. In 2018 she launched UnYucky mindset and menus for happier family mealtimes. Formerly the communications lead at ACECQA and BOS (now NESA), Bec is a journo and mother of three who produces Amplify for us at Community Early Learning Australia.
About CELA
Community Early Learning Australia is a not for profit organisation with a focus on amplifying the value of early learning for every child across Australia - representing our members and uniting our sector as a force for quality education and care.